Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Luca S @ The Best Vinyl Hardcore


Submitted by: luca-s @
Last edited by: luca-s @

Filetype: MP3
Length: 01:41:27

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Vinyl time when they were still selling in the early 2000s, then the CD-mixdj and everything else came along. For me it is much better to mix with vinyl here you see the skill of a dj.

Rated by: luca-s
Favorited by: luca-s

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1. Bayno DJ - Continuation
2. Needle Destructors - Steelfinger
3. The Wishmaster - The Kronik
4. Knightvision - Apocalypse
5. Central ft. Mcrage - The Prophecy
6. Gabber Force - Funky Talez (Alternative Mix)
7. Noize Suppressor - Lsd User '02
8. DJ Lem-X - Massive Retaliation
9. B 747 - Underground Flight
10. Omar Santana - Blue Steel
11. DJ X-Fly - I see motherfucker!
12. DJ X-Fly - All Motherfucking Core!
13. DJ Lem-X - More Bass
14. DJ Lem-X - Killing Bass
15. MC Rage - You Bring Out The Hate In Me
16. MC Rage - You Bring Out The Hate In Me (DJ Bike Remix)
17. Endymion - Payback
18. Digital Boy vs Outblast - Be 4 Real
19. Dr. Z-Vago - My Destiny
20. The Viper - Bulletproof
21. The Viper - Intellectual Killer (Nosferatu & Endymion Remix)
22. D'Spyre - Weird (Nosferatu Remix)
23. Noize Suppressor - Wash Machine
24. DJ Bike - Evil Bike
25. DJ Bike - Supermashups