Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Yves & Stampede @ Bassrulers Outdoor Festival

Hardcore   Early Hardcore

Submitted by: DJStampede @
Last edited by: Hansolo @

Filetype: 320 kbit MP3
Length: 00:56:44

More info
Oldschool/Early/Millenium stage

Recorded by C-Dance Retro
Broadcast by Toxic Sickness Radio
4 bookings:
4 bookings:

Rated by: DJStampede HC4Life86 Hansolo

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1. Promo - King Of Pain
2. Armageddon Project - Spawn Of Misanthropy
3. Noize Suppressor - Fingherz
4. ID (Noize Suppressor - ID)
5. DJ Sim - Cartoons In Progress
6. Art of Fighters - Redemption
7. The Stunned Guys & Tommyknocker - Your Choice
8. Alex B & Promo - Bij Gebrek Aan Beter
9. Neophyte - Braincracking
  w/ N-Vitral & Angerfist - Fist In Your Face
10. J.D.A. - Voel Je Die Bass
11. Euromasters - Alles Naar De Klote (Neophyte & Evil Activities Remix)
12. Radium vs Tieum - Goodbye ET
13. Diss Reaction - Jiiieehaaa (Angerfist Refix)
14. Tha Playah vs Evil Activities - Imperial
15. Tommyknocker Ft. The Wishmaster - Supernatural
16. Tommyknocker - Criminal
17. Neophyte & MC Ruffian - Muil houwe
18. Paul Elstak vs Dione - Here Comes The Prozac
19. Tommyknocker & DJ Mad Dog - Minimix 1
20. DJ Partyraiser & Scrape Face - Dancing on your Grave
21. Denekamps Gespuis - Gas Met Die Zooi (Tha Playah Remix)
22. Nosferatu & Endymion - Drunk With A Gun

Hansolo [Set Editor] -
Tracklist added  :thumbsup: one track from 2012 spotted in this millennium set  :arr:  =D