Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Bionicle @ Decibel Outdoor 2019 Rookie Contest


Submitted by: JurneSleddens @

Length: 00:20:42

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Yo guys! This is my entry for the rookie contest of Decibel Outdoor 2019. Especially for this contest I produced the opening track, let me know in the comments what you think about it!

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1. Bionicle - Decibel
2. Psyko Punkz - Back Again (B-Front & Frequencerz Remix)
3. Sub Sonik - M.F. Psycho (Uncaged Remix)
4. Kronos & RVAGE - The Joker
5. Atmozfears - Up Top
6. The Machine - Place Of Terror (Crypsis Remix)
7. B-Freqz - Delusion (Original Mix vs 2014 Edit)
8. Zany & Max Enforcer ft. MC DV8 - Sound Intense City (Decibel Anthem 2011)
9. Act Of Rage - Raveline
10. Rejecta & DJ Thera - Followed (Stashed By Bionicle)