Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

BiomexaniKa @ Octopus Conspiracy Radio Marathon Show


Submitted by: OctopusConspiracyRadio @

Filetype: 128 kbit MP3
Length: 01:00:44

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1. Angerfist & Ophidian - Nothing Is Real
2. Javi Boss - Succession
3. Korsakoff - The Warriors
4. The Melodyst - Floor Licker
5. Synthax - Sick Repulsive
6. Dr.Peackok & Death by Desigh - Eat This
7. GPF ft. Kaine - Kendal duck
8. Unexist - Attack (Dither Remix)
9. The Satan - Crunk
10. Monny - Classica Core
11. DRS,Bass instinct -Afterlife (Orian Remix)
12. GPF ms Jizz - Cummin on yo face
13. Deadly Guns - Deadly Gangsta 2.0
14. Anhatema - Pray For Death
15. Agressive Noize - Nosebone
16. Altreted - go hard
17. Soldiers Of Core - Do You Understand
18. Deadly guns ft. MBK - Pure domination
19. Nstinct- Never gonna catch me
20. Partyraiser & Hard Effectz - Bounce Again
21. Caine - Let's get pillz(gpf Remix)
22. Partyraiser & Bulletproof ft. Skits Vicious - The Snakepit (Snakepit 2018 Anthem)