Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Hackash @ Karnage Soldiers Show

Hardstyle   Hardcore   Raw hardstyle

Submitted by: hackash @
Last edited by: hardcorerepublic @

Filetype: 320 kbit MP3
Length: 01:00:00

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Rated by: dhrrob90 hackash
Favorited by: dhrrob90

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1. Frequencerz & E-Force - Attention (Digital Punk & Alpha² Remix)
2. Radical Redemption & D-Sturb - Danger Zone
3. Crypsis - The Illest
4. Killshot - Like an AK
5. Ncrypta - Superstar
6. Regain - Dominate
7. Neroz - Bodyshock
8. Rebel[UT]ion - Do you like bass
9. Radical Redemption & Digital Punk & Alee - Poisened By Society
10. Minus Militia - The Holy ground
11. Malice - Be The One
12. Warface & Rooler - Game Time
13. Delete & Killshot - Disco Weapon
14. Ncrypta & Riot Shift - Corruption
15. Riot Shift - From The Grave
16. Rebelion ft. Sovereign King - Wall Of Death
17. Ressurectz - K.O
18. Ncrypta & Thyron - Surrender
19. Delete - Louder
20. Rebelion & Malice - Confronting Hate
21. Delete & The Outside Agency - Watching You
22. Dither - The Prophecy
23. Dione - Alcoholic Pessa
24. D-Sturb & Sefa - Nothing Like the Oldschool