Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Shugz @ We Are You

Techtrance   Trance

Submitted by: MattiX @

Filetype: 128 kbit MP3
Length: 01:30:00
Rated by: MattiX Micha82

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1. Key4050 - Schillachi
2. Sam Jones - Freakout
3. T78 & Sisko Electrofanatik - Loud
4. JES - Imagination (Will Atkinson Remix)
5. Simon Patterson & Sam Jones - Rotavator (Sam Jones Remix)
6. ID (19:55)
7. John O'Callaghan - Centurion
8. Sam Jones - Buckle Up
9. ID (34:50)
10. Hennes & Cold - The Second Trip (David Forbes Remix)
11. Shugz - End Product
12. Mojado - Kaktus (Joint Operations Centre Twilight Rework)
13. Joint Operations Centre - Goodnight Irene (Shugz Remix)
14. Eddie Sender ft. Marcie - Please Forgive (Kaltflut's Stoned Emotion Remix)
15. Billy Gillies - Power
16. Bryan Kearney - Superlouder
17. Iain Cross - Diss U (Scot Project Remix)
18. Reverse - Distant Destiny
  w/ System F - Cry (Unplugged)
19. Jon O'Bir ft. Fisher - Found A Way (Joint Operations Centre Remix)
20. Billy Gillies - Disturbance
21. Mauro Picotto - Iguana (Yoji Biomehanika's Hellhouse Remix)
22. Sam Jones - Keep On
23. Will Atkinson - Numb The Pain