Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

E-force , Radical Redemption & Rejecta pres. Team Red @ Hard Bass 2019 Team Red

Hardstyle   Raw hardstyle

Submitted by: JurneSleddens @
Last edited by: JurneSleddens @

Length: 01:29:28
Rated by: dhrrob90 Claessens1 chicomaster julien92600 Thermus Stijn Veldman D-Born joestoe111 kretz1 Sarge Hansolo -michaelhughes Seizure AkiraDark95 terrorbiene
Favorited by: dhrrob90 kretz1 -michaelhughes terrorbiene

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1. E-Force - The End
2. Rejecta - Deserve To Die
3. Radical Redemption - America
  w/ Radical Redemption - Handle This
4. D-Block & S-te-Fan - Sound Of The Thunder (D-Sturb Remix)
5. Frequencerz & Rejecta - Legends
6. Radical Redemption - Accumulated Filth (Resurrection Remix)
7. E-Force & Kronos - Higher Force
8. Rejecta - Give A Damn
9. Minus Militia - Reign Supreme (Hard Bass 2019 Edit)
10. E-Force & D-Sturb - Once Again (Hard Bass 2019 Edit)
11. Rejecta - Followed
12. Radical Redemption - Brutal 7.0
13. Warface - FTP (E-Force Remix)
14. E-Force & Rejecta - Kicked Out
15. Radical Redemption - The Last Bass
16. ID (E-Force ft. MC Nolz - ID)
17. Rejecta - Rise Of Rejecta
18. Radical Redemption & Killshot - Bloodstain
  w/ Radical Redemption - One Man Army
19. E-Force & Luna - Genesis
20. Rejecta & Artifact - Other Worlds
21. Radical Redemption & D-Sturb - Testarossa
22. E-Force - Do Or Die
23. Rejecta - Hardness
24. Radical Redemption & Tha Watcher - The Spell of Sin (Resurrection Remix)
25. E-Force - Alchemy
26. Regain - Mic Down
27. Yellow Claw & Radical Redemption - 20.000 Volts
28. Delete & E-Force - Locked Up
29. Rooler - Domination
30. Radical Redemption - In Your Face
31. E-Force - The Bad Guy
32. Rejecta & Restrained - Court Of Justice