Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Thumpa @ Strikt Voor De Hardcore 18 (2000-2002 Millennium Hardcore Pt 4)


Submitted by: Hansolo @

Length: 00:53:44

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Wow my 4th venture into 2000-2002 stuff and it's still all killer no filler, what an amazing time for the music! A mixture of stuff that was huge in the Holland, UK and more underground tracks. Enjoy!

Rated by: Hansolo pointzero

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1. Digital Boy - Dirty Muthafuckerz
2. System 3 - Like A Shot
3. The Wishmaster & Promo - Brotha Alliance
4. Re-Style - This Means War
5. The Dark Twins - Abstract Beatin' System
6. Art Of Fighters - Bitcrusher
7. Endymion - It's All Music
8. Bass-D & King Matthew - Fly Away
9. The Alienator - Prey (Headbanger Remix)
10. DJ Niel & Kristof - Judgement Day
11. Noize Suppressor - Kiss (DJ Promo Remix)
12. Tha Playah - Hit 'Em
13. G-Town Madness & The Viper - Here It Comes
14. Neophyte vs. The Stunned Guys - There Is No Other
15. DJ Paul Elstak - I Had To Kill A Lot Of People
16. Q-Tex - Ice Cold
17. DJ Outblast - Eargazm