Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Helius Zhamiq @ Lab Hell 2K10

Early Terror   UK Hardcore   Frenchcore

Submitted by: SandStorm @
Last edited by: SandStorm @

Filetype: 320 kbit MP3
Length: 00:58:38

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Rated by: SandStorm hardcorerepublic Hansolo pointlesspoint

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1. ID (ID)
2. Black Lung - Prema
3. Haardcore - Toxic
4. Underground Nation Of Rotterdam - X-911
5. Haardcore - Pull Your Heart
6. Bodylotion - Catastrophy
7. The House Fucker - Cold Rockin'
8. Agro - Desobedience
9. M.I.D. - Black Submarine
10. ID (ID)
11. The DJ Producer - Untitled (B) [STROID 01]
12. The Producer - No Rationalization (Satans Little Helper)
13. Itchy Trigger Finger Niggers - Untitled (A) [STROID 01]
14. Nasenbluten - Concrete Compressor
  w/ Promo - What The Fuck?
15. Itchy Trigger Finger Niggers - Untitled (A) [STROID 01]
16. Yenkal, Axl & NT - Fis Fuck
17. ID (ID)
18. The DJ Producer - Signal Confirmed
19. Sanform - Round 4
20. Weapons - Waffen
21. Gangstar Toons Industry - Camel (Class-A Mix)
22. Guyver - Darkness
23. Fist Of Fury - La Haine
24. ID (ID)
25. Fist Of Fury - Tribute To Manifest

pointlesspoint -
Coherent incoherence
Detailed timestamped tracklist.

From 00:26:00 on you have 2 or 3 tracks playing together:
You have the one already playing at 00:26:00 , than Itchy Trigger Finger Niggers - Untitled (A) [STROID 01] comes in around 00:26:50, while around 00:27:30 you have a track which samples Nasenbluten - Concrete Compressor + Promo - What The Fuck, which i suspect is another Producer/Hellfish megamix track.

Face A
01 - 00:00:00 - ID drum 'n bass track
02 - 00:04:00 - Black Lung - Prema
03 - 00:04:55 - ID drum 'n bass track
04 - 00:06:30 - Haardcore - Toxic
05 - 00:08:50 - ID track mixed in
06 - 00:11:25 - Underground Nation Of Rotterdam - X-911
07 - 00:13:00 - Haardcore - Pull Your Heart
08 - 00:16:00 - Bodylotion - Catastrophy
09 - 00:16:50 - The House Fucker - Cold Rockin'
10 - 00:19:40 - Agro - Desobedience
11 - 00:23:00 - M.I.D. - Black Submarine
12 - 00:26:00 - ???
13 - 00:26:00 - The DJ Producer - Untitled (B) [STROID 01]
14 - 00:26:50 - Itchy Trigger Finger Niggers - Untitled (A) [STROID 01]

Face B
14 - 00:00:00 - Itchy Trigger Finger Niggers - Untitled (A) [STROID 01]
15 - 00:02:00 - ID
16 - 00:04:00 - ID
17 - 00:06:00 - The DJ Producer - Signal Confirmed
18 - 00:10:00 - Sanform - Round 4
19 - 00:13:50 - Weapons - Waffen
20 - 00:16:00 - Gangstar Toons Industry - Camel (Class-A Mix)
21 - 00:21:00 - Guyver - Darkness
22 - 00:22:30 - Fist Of Fury - La Haine
23 - 00:25:00 - ID
24 - 00:28:30 - Fist Of Fury - Tribute To Manifest
Edited by pointlesspoint on 27-06-2022 00:28
Bedlam -
On 11-11-2021 13:41:03, pointlesspoint wrote:

Detailed timestamped tracklist.

From 00:26:00 on you have 2 or 3 tracks playing together:
You have the one already playing at 00:26:00 , than Itchy Trigger Finger Niggers - Untitled (A) [STROID 01] comes in around 00:26:50, while around 00:27:30 you have a track which samples Nasenbluten - Concrete Compressor + Promo - What The Fuck, which i suspect is another Producer/Hellfish megamix track.

Face A
01 - 00:00:00 - ID drum 'n bass track
02 - 00:04:00 - ID
03 - 00:06:30 - Haardcore - Toxic
04 - 00:11:25 - ID samples of chanting Indians? (not Cut-X)
05 - 00:13:00 - Haardcore - Pull Your Heart
06 - 00:16:00 - Bodylotion - Catastrophy
07 - 00:16:50 - ID
08 - 00:19:40 - Agro - Desobedience
09 - 00:23:00 - M.I.D. - Black Submarine
10 - 00:26:00 - 2 or even 3 tracks playing at once:
11 - 00:26:00 - ID
12 - 00:26:50 - Itchy Trigger Finger Niggers - Untitled (A) [STROID 01]
13 - 00:27:30 - Nasenbluten - Concrete Compressor + Promo - What The Fuck probably another Producer/Hellfish megamix track

Face B
14 - 00:00:00 - Itchy Trigger Finger Niggers - Untitled (A) [STROID 01]
15 - 00:02:00 - ID
16 - 00:04:00 - ID
17 - 00:06:00 - The DJ Producer - Signal Confirmed
18 - 00:10:00 - Sanform - Round 4
19 - 00:13:50 - Weapons - Waffen
20 - 00:16:00 - Gangstar Toons Industry - Camel (Class-A Mix)
21 - 00:21:00 - Guyver - Darkness
22 - 00:22:30 - ID with French sample at around 23:50
23 - 00:25:00 - ID
24 - 00:28:30 - ID

Helius Zhamiq he used to run K.Ni.Bal Record + K-NeT Label and does legendary live sets. During 2000 releases under many aliases A.I.D.S being the most well known. Won't be your cup of tea. Mostly mixes three decks and does not do playlists just plays what he feels in the moment. I posted a few lives of his just the other week on Facebook which is absolutely crap worse than Mixcloud (Facebook not his lives). I never could be bothered to fill in the blanks when posted on GTW. Now the times are in have a look later if I get time see if I know any missing ones?
Edited by Bedlam on 11-11-2021 17:43
Bedlam -
04. Underground Nation Of Rotterdam - X-911
26.Know the main background track not got time to think about it?
The last tracks mixed in The Dj Producer - No Rationalization (Satans Little Helper)

04. Main track Yenkal, Axl & NT - Fis Fuck
22. Fist Of Fury - La Haine
24. Fisat Of Fury - Tribute To Manifest
pointlesspoint -
Coherent incoherence
Indeed, those sets sets are near my limits of easy listening while sipping from my organic thea at first listening, but i suspect he takes mixing hardcore/speedcore to another level!

I do remember liking his techno set as DJ Helliza - Twisted Into Form (Chase Mix 08) very very much! Shows talent has no borders in mixing different music together.
Edited by pointlesspoint on 11-11-2021 23:17
Bedlam -
On 11-11-2021 22:01:52, pointlesspoint wrote:

Indeed, those sets sets are near my limits of easy listening while sipping from my organic thea at first listening, but i suspect he takes mixing hardcore/speedcore to another level!

I do remember liking his techno set as DJ Helliza - Twisted Into Form (Chase Mix 08) very very much! Shows talent has no borders in mixing different music together.

Here's a tribute mix (Helius Zhamiq) to him from Fred forget his last name think he's DKP's partner? Lot of his sets on GTW under many alisaes not got time to name them all Bedřich Haak is one. Of the top of my head Funky Fat Freddy, Freddo, Fred ESP, David Ghetto, Darkaam sure there's more aliases than that?
pointlesspoint -
Coherent incoherence
02 - 00:04:00 - Black Lung - Prema
07 - 00:16:50 - The House Fucker - Cold Rockin'
pointlesspoint -
Coherent incoherence
3 decks mix.

Face A
01 - 00:00:00 - ID drum 'n bass track
02 - 00:04:00 - Black Lung - Prema
03 - 00:04:55 - ID drum 'n bass track
04 - 00:06:30 - Haardcore - Toxic
05 - 00:08:50 - ID track mixed in
06 - 00:11:25 - Underground Nation Of Rotterdam - X-911
07 - 00:13:00 - Haardcore - Pull Your Heart
08 - 00:16:00 - Bodylotion - Catastrophy
09 - 00:16:50 - The House Fucker - Cold Rockin'
10 - 00:19:40 - Agro - Desobedience
11 - 00:23:00 - M.I.D. - Black Submarine
12 - 00:26:00 - ???
13 - 00:26:00 - The DJ Producer - Untitled (B) [STROID 01]
14 - 00:26:50 - Itchy Trigger Finger Niggers - Untitled (A) [STROID 01]

Face B
15 - 00:00:00 - Itchy Trigger Finger Niggers - Untitled (A) [STROID 01]
16 - 00:02:00 - ID
17 - 00:04:00 - Yenkal, Axl & NT - Fis Fuck
18 - 00:06:00 - The DJ Producer - Signal Confirmed
19 - 00:10:00 - Sanform - Round 4
20 - 00:13:50 - Weapons - Waffen
21 - 00:14:46 - track played alongside Weapons - Waffen
22 - 00:16:00 - Gangstar Toons Industry - Camel (Class-A Mix)
23 - 00:18:00 - track played alongside Gangstar Toons Industry
24 - 00:21:00 - Guyver - Darkness
25 - 00:22:30 - Fist Of Fury - La Haine
26 - 00:25:00 - ID
27 - 00:28:30 - Fist Of Fury - Tribute To Manifest
Edited by pointlesspoint on 27-06-2022 00:58