Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Marxman @ Corecast 32

Industrial Hardcore   Crossbreed

Submitted by: Dronevil @

Length: 01:07:14

More info
Let's start 2019 with a bang , shall we ?
Our first CORECAST of 2019 features a young prodigy who has shown his skills on our podcast series before.
He has blown up big time since last time we saw him , signing with big agency's and getting booked on the largest of festivals.
Now he is back with a vengeance...
Here to drop some musical violence on all you ravers out there !
Let's see what our man of the hour has in store for us...

We bring you , yet again and in full effect...


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Rated by: hardcorerepublic Darksound

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1. Wavolizer - Hard Not To
2. Relapse - Kicked in the dirt
3. Wavolizer - Forecast
4. Dataklysm - Wannabe Me
5. N-Vitral & I:Gor - Crack Ya Neck
6. N-Vitral - The Shotgun (Marxman Kick-Edit)
7. Mindustries - Message In A Bottle
8. Sei2ure - Beyond Belief
9. I:Gor - Now Is The Time
10. AK-Industry & Billy S. - Monster (Switch Technique VIP)
11. N-Vitral & Ophidian - Chaos (Wavolizer Remix)
12. Switch Technique - Till Death Do Us Part
13. Sei2ure - I Send You To Hell
14. N-Vitral - Welcome To The Killzone (2016 Version)
15. Igneon System - Blast
16. The Annunaki - #Killah (The Outside agency Remix)
17. N-Vitral & Deathmachine - Time To Meet The Devil
18. ID (ID - ID)
19. The Outside Agency - The Hearted Darkness (Koalition Festival Anthem)
20. Dataklysm - The Bomb
21. Brian Acardy - Let The Bass Boom (Wavolizer Remix)
22. N-Vitral & Deathmachine - Perfect Machines
23. Micromakine - Give Me the Breaks
24. The Satan - Bass Feeling
25. DJIPE - Worldrot
26. Xaturate & Igneon System - World Of Hurt
27. Dolphin - Raiders Cap
28. Dataklysm - Stone Cold Killer
29. Deathmachine - Distort U
30. DJIPE - Resist A.D.
31. The DJ Producer - Suffering (Data's 2017 Reboot)
32. Dolphin - Serious Evil Shit Mission 5
33. Dataklysm - Scrapyard
34. Oathbreaker - Second Son of R. (DJIPE Panic Bootleg)