Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

The Manager @ CRANQ #7

Hardstyle   Early Hardstyle   Raw hardstyle   Classic hardstyle

Submitted by: CRANQ_Official @
Last edited by: CRANQ_Official @

Filetype: 320 kbit MP3
Length: 20:34:42

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Live audio registration of The Manager at CRANQ Seven (24-02-2018)

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1. Summer of Hardstyle - Proppy & Heady
2. Fearful Symmetry - Toneshifters & Bioweapon
3. Robin's Revenge - Dozer
4. Magic - B-Front & Frontliner
5. Motherland - The R3bels
6. Bionicle - The R3bels
7. Ear Fucking - Zatox
8. Creation - Zatox
9. Reputation Game - Brennan Heart ft. Wildstylez
10. Uber/Classic (The Manager edit)
11. Connected - Degos & Re-done
12. Octavius Augustus - Jack Overdose (zany Remix)
13. Godcore - The Machine & The Geminizers
14. Masterclass - E-Force & Luna
15. Attention - Frequencerz & E-Force
16. Answers - Chain Reaction (Adaro Remix)
17. Seven - E-force (ft. Ixcel CRANQ Vocal The Manager edit)