Shoutbox: [04-01] hardcorerepublic: the forecast looks promising indeed  ^.^

Dinomie @ Rauw Op Je Smoel Ronde 1

Hardstyle   Raw hardstyle

Submitted by: indo-mie @
Last edited by: JurneSleddens @

Filetype: 320 kbit MP3
Length: 00:43:11
Rated by: dhrrob90
Favorited by: dhrrob90

View as plain text


1. D-Sturb - Losing Myself
2. Devin Wild & Warface - For All Of Us
3. Act of Rage - Grown Up
4. Digital Punk - Getting FCKD UP
5. D-Sturb & Warface - Drown
6. Digital Punk - Seismic Frequencies
7. D-Sturb - Legacy
8. Digital Punk - Fragments
9. D-Sturb - Marked For Death
10. Radical Redemption & D-Sturb - Danger Zone
11. Radical Redemption & D-Sturb - Ride On Our Enemies
12. Radical Redemption - The Darkest Moment
13. Minus Militia - Pessimal Evil
14. Digital Punk - Sense in Violence