Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Sacerdos Vigilia @ The 1NCast #7

Industrial Hardcore   Darkcore

Submitted by: hardcorerepublic @
Last edited by: hardcorerepublic @

Length: 00:59:22

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THE 1NCAST | #7 | Sacerdos Vigilia

Rated by: hardcorerepublic

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1. Clouds - Dread Networks (Perc Remix)
2. Sacerdos Vigilia - CXXVIII
3. Mindwalker - A More Perceptive World (Electronic Mind Expansion Remix)
4. Paula Temple - Colonized (Perc Metal Mix)
5. Shxcxchcxsh - Rjrjrffrjrj
6. SummA - The Fantasy of a Disordened Mind (Sacerdos Vigilia Remix)
7. Catscan - The After Party
8. Biomek & Demanufacturer - Behemoth
9. SummA - Slow Vibration
10. The Relic - White Darkness (Sacerdos Vigilia Remix)
11. Ruffneck & Ophidian - What Therefor Are Truths
12. Dither & Deathmachine - Entropy
13. N-Vitral - My Gopyrn
14. Stormtrooper - The Ultimate (Sacerdos Vigilia Remix)
15. Strange Arrival - Lure