Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Eiloff @ The 1NCast #10


Submitted by: hardcorerepublic @
Last edited by: hardcorerepublic @

Length: 00:55:15

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THE 1NCAST | #10 | Eiloff

Rated by: hardcorerepublic

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1. Bandai Zuki - Police Fi Dead
2. CZO - We Remember Blot
3. Mokit - Back To Basskicks
4. Koan Sound - Strike (Krimp & Squiffy Bootleg)
5. Melmute - Jawcrusher
6. Sim On Kor Funkle - Rock The Place
7. Meow Meow - Mewme (Wan Bushi Remix)
8. Usedtobecool - Deathshitfuckerface
9. Audiotist - Tetris Rave Remix
10. Panic Control - Cardopusher
11. Breakforce One - I've Visited Breakcore Last Week, It's Alive And Well
12. The Speed Freak - Devastator Mutation
13. Avisupchurch - Fatzgool
14. Meow Meow vs Jefflocks - Badman Killa
15. Aphrodite - Style From The Darkside '99 (Nebulist Remix)
16. Ciruclar-d - Escape From Alien Station
17. Dev/Null - Alien Washcloth Tumor
18. Pizza Circus - Smokamikaweedze
19. Jacob Inhuman - Fucking Drunk4
20. Strog - Smack Attack
21. Company Fuck - I Feel huh? Core
22. Kovaidyn Anti-Stars - Vedä Ittes Kiikkuun!
23. Mekuso - No Child Should To Finger
24. Youness Angour - Ultimate Summer Diarrhoea