Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

KyuubiRaver @ UK Hardcore Mix #29

UK Happy Hardcore

Submitted by: AkiraDark95 @

Filetype: 320 kbit MP3
Length: 00:55:10

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New UK Hardcore mix, again with lots of psy sounds and vocal tracks. I hope you like it. Don't forget the weekly Livestream on saturday.


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1. Dave Winnel - Always Feels Like (Protoz Edit)
2. Uberjak'd & Fresh Til' Death - Lose Our Minds (Ryan Kore Remix)
3. Technikore & MOB - Fade Away
4. ElectronicOtaku ft. Zoe VanWest - Like A Galaxy
5. JEFF?! - Grey Blood (Extended Mix)
6. S-W X D-E - BYHO (EDIT)
7. Gala- Freed From Desire (2018 Edit)
8. Styles & Re-Con - Raining Down
9. Footprintz - Angels (Sy & Unknown Remix)
10. Audioscape & C-Kay ft. Kelly C - Had Enough (Original Mix)
11. Dark Monks - Insane (Rob IYF Remix)
12. Brisk & Ham - I've Got A Feeling (Dougal & Gammer Mix)
13. Nobody & Ciccone ft. Hyperforce - Higher
14. Louis - Dash berlin - Heaven (Louis Extended Flip)
15. S3RL ft. Jamie-Rose - It's This Again (DJ Edit)
16. Ran-D - Zombie (Gammer Flip vs Pure 100% Remake)