Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Barty Fire @ RHR.FM #140

Hardstyle   Raw hardstyle

Submitted by: BartyFire @

Filetype: 320 kbit MP3
Length: 01:00:02

More info
My Soul
My Voice
My Screams
My Shouts
My Motions
I Guess is just make Me Feel
I'm Paralyzed
Because I'm more than fantasy
I'm The Oder

Rated by: BartyFire
Favorited by: BartyFire

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1. B-Freqz - Paralyzed
2. D-Sturb - High Power
3. MYST - Fire & Ice
4. Rejecta - Followed
5. Crypsis & B-Front - Universe
6. Regain - Cocaine
7. Warface & D-Sturb - Open Your Eyes
8. Delete & Chris One - W4RR10R
9. Radical Redemption & Kold Konnexion - The Motherload
10. Delete - V!P
11. B-Front & Re-Volt - W.A.R.
12. Regain - All In Darkness
13. Prefix & Density - Soundwaves
14. Hard Driver - Exploration (Hard Bass 2014 Anthem)
15. Solutio & The I's - Mistress
16. Genox - Power
17. B-Freqz - Monsters Inside Me
18. The Pitcher & B-Front - Noctus Noa
19. D-Sturb ft. Emese - Legacy