Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

T-Error @ Underground Hardcore 003

Industrial Hardcore   Crossbreed   UK Hardcore

Submitted by: Emoticons_Stole_My_Face @

Filetype: WAV
Length: 00:39:10
Rated by: BrittaHarwig Emoticons_Stole_My_Face

View as plain text


1. T-erroR & Inazagy - Pitch
2. The Outside Agency ft. Broken Rules - World Breaker
3. Ophidian -Lynched (Tymon Remix)
4. DJIPE - Constantly Consuming
5. T-erroR - Slow On Speed
6. Gancher & Ruin - Force
7. Hellfish - Easycore
8. The Outside Agency - Destruction
9. DJIPE - Turtle Devastation Wave
10. Bryan Fury & Dolphin- Radiobitch
11. eDUB ft. Im Colapsed - Daily Dose Of Hardcore
12. Dolphin - My Beautiful Cephalopod
13. Akira - We Are The Illest
14. Hellfish And Bryan Fury - Infekted
15. Explicit And Vague Entity - Straight Homicide