Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

DJ Thera vs. Geck-o @ Danger FM World Tour Special


Submitted by: Geck-o @
Last edited by: Maximumraver @

Filetype: 320 kbit MP3
Length: 01:00:00

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Enjoy  :)

Rated by: K-Cin SoundTrader Pithune Nois3controll3r Jro_ Setenza Bosleeuw ThaMaster Wojtek kardar Legolas Duruz Dakpan Odyssee TomStyle KevinH SuciF3R Abrikozenjam Vazard [deleted user] m4a1 alexvdh koldsa chris_one DLSS Nevio TimTim CrazyDutchMan Canyonree ProMixer Vocom greg4850 hostage View all ratings
Favorited by: alexvdh

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1. Iain Cross - Cold World
2. Gatty - Undetected (Stana Remix)
3. Busy & Dragan - Hypnotized
4. Geck-o - Deckstar
5. Ultraform - Then It Hit Me
6. DJ Thera - Again And Again
7. H.H.J. - Monster
8. DJ Duro - My Style Is Dutch
9. Hunter - The Beauty And The Beat (Technoboy Remix Cut)
10. Mind Hunterz & Alpha² - No Mercy (Mind Hunterz Mix)
11. Zany & Duro - Back Again
12. Deepack vs Luna - Stomper
13. DJ Thera - In Between
14. SMD - Helemaal Kapot
15. Zany Meets The Beholder - Who Wants This

Pithune -
Shadow Interaction

14. SMD - Helemaal Kapot

Geck-o -
On 21-06-2009 18:03:32, Pithune wrote:


14. SMD - Helemaal Kapot


vs. Geck-o

Pithune -
Shadow Interaction

dan mag het wel
ThaMaster -
Baas in alle opzichten.
slecht slecht dit  :X
Fuck U I wont do what U tell me!
SMD - Helemaal Kapot  :yay:
Geck-o -
Added a zippyshare mirror  :thumbsup2:
Dakpan -
No Hostages
Yehh NuStylezz for teh looze lawll
Jro_ -
alles begint bij Headhunterz
vind hem maar mager, deze set weegt amper 4 gramm
Dakpan -
No Hostages
On 21-06-2009 19:42:27, Jro_ wrote:

vind hem maar mager, deze set weegt amper 4 gramm

Ga toch minstens voor 10
djblacksun -
Fake Shit
ZIppy dead  =]
Geck-o -
weird  :^)

ah well, then just download from megaupload :P
Jipdenk -
On 21-06-2009 19:38:48, Dakpan wrote:

Yehh NuStylezz for teh looze lawll

Nevio -
CrazyDutchMan -
Deepack vs Luna - Stomper  :bomb:  :yay:

Nice set  :thumbsup: Een keer wat anders dan al die hitjes  :arr:
Canyonree -
Eensch wat anders dan de standaard meuk, vind het wel lekker  :thumbsup:
Nois3controll3r -
 :w00t:  :bomb:
Vocom -
On 23-06-2009 04:14:51, CrazyDutchMan wrote:

Een keer wat anders dan al die hitjes  :arr:

hostage -
A-WE-SO-ME  :worship: