Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Anthrax @ Hunting for Early Beats (Vinyl Only) 1

Early Hardstyle

Submitted by: e.deitas @
Last edited by: e.deitas @

Filetype: 320 kbit MP3
Length: 01:07:12

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Ive been hunting old hardstyle vinyls like a mad man. Here is a taste of those tasty beats.

Rated by: AkiraDark95 Micha82

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1. K-Traxx - Straight On 2007 (Tuneboy Wackie Remix)
2. Donkey Rollers - No One Can Stop Us
3. Brennan Heart - Evolut!on Of Style
4. Nagoom - Atmosphere
5. Dark Oscilators - Trapped
6. Technoboy - Just A Detail
7. Geck-o & Phrantic - The Hard Way
8. Brennan Heart - Music Bizz
9. Headhunterz - Reloaded Part 2
10. Alpha Twinz - Nowhere To Hide
11. Isaac - Impressed (Technoboy Remix
12. Mr Puta - La Vida Narcotica
13. D-Block S-Te-Fan - Music Made Addict
14. Project One - The Zero Hour
15. Project One - Fantasy or Reality

e.deitas -

Im planning on doing more of these. Let me know if there is any artist or special track that you want to hear. If I have it, Ill play it  :)