Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Sacerdos Vigilia @ Corecast 23

Industrial Hardcore

Submitted by: hardcorerepublic @
Last edited by: hardcorerepublic @

Filetype: FLAC
Length: 00:58:57

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CORECAST 23 Featuring Sacerdos Vigilia

Rated by: SulfoneBreed WollfAlfons BrittaHarwig hardcorerepublic

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1. Natrion - Rip & Tear (Ripped & Teared by Sacerdos Vigilia)
2. Strange Arrival - Eldritch
3. Sacerdos Vigilia - CXXVIII
4. Synaptic Memories - Sensory Deprivation
5. Benjamin's Plague - Tyrants Will Fall (Decide Remix By Demanufacturer)
6. Sacerdos Vigilia - INDZ RVLTN
7. Bioxeed - Nothing Can Help Us
8. ID (ID - ID)
9. SummA - Don't You Know Fantasia
10. The Outside Agency & Mindustries - Superheroes (Album Version)
11. Life:::Runs:::Red - The Resheph Syndrome
12. Synaptic Memories & Sacerdos Vigilia - Xylamide
13. Densha Crisis - Noir Core
14. Helios Is Dead - Cloak & Dagger (Strange Arrival Remix)
15. Ophidian - Qotile (Sacerdos Vigilia Remix)
16. Tymon - Crunch Time
17. [KRTM] - Dirty Toys
18. Penta - War Crimes
19. Ophidian - Excalibur