Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Audioholik @ Da Tweekaz VERY NICE Showcase (2010 and before)

Hardstyle   Classic hardstyle

Submitted by: Audioholik @
Last edited by: Audioholik @

Filetype: 320 kbit MP3
Length: 01:02:51

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Please check out my new showcase. All the way from Norway to bring their unique view on the nustyle sound. In my opinion a great combination of the early hardstyle sound with fast intro's and the nustyle sound with triplet melodies!

P.S. ' Da Tweekaz VERY NICE' is a meme from the GHF days hihi. Couldn't resist!

Rated by: AkiraDark95 alexvdh Audioholik

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1. Da Tweekaz - Hook My Mic Up
2. Deepack vs The Prophet - Stampuuh! (Da Tweekaz Beukehh Remix)
3. Da Tweekaz - Inferno (Summer Angel 2009 Anthem)
4. Da Tweekaz - Da Bomba
5. Da Tweekaz - Angeli Domini
6. Da Tweekaz - Whatevah
7. Nutty T - Project Annexe (Da Tweekaz Remix)
8. Da Tweekaz - Daydre4m
9. Da Tweekaz - Edgez
10. Da Tweekaz - Very Nice
11. Da Tweekaz - The Past
12. Da Tweekaz - Get Mad (Fuuuuuuu-- Mix)
13. Waveliner vs Rude - The Anthem (Da Tweekaz Remix)