Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Unexpect & District-D @ Pryze Indoor Warming up


Submitted by: Unexpect @
Last edited by: Unexpect @

Filetype: 320 kbit MP3
Length: 01:03:14

More info
01. Wasted Mind - Crypt
02. DJ Mad Dog & AniMe - Bassdrum Music
03. Wasted Mind - Here We Go
04. Bodyshock - Search And Destroy
05. The Melodyst & Neox - The End of the Road
06. Thorax - Pitbull
07. The Wishmaster - Disobey
08. Dione - Life's A Bitch
09. Dyprax & Angerfist - The Pearly Gates
10. Neox & Stereotype - Yes Sir
11. Javi Boss - Faka two
12. Destructive Tendencies - This is Your Moment
13. Radio Killah - Machine Gun
14. Noize Suppressor - Bouncing In The Ghetto (Original Mix)
15. N-Vitral - Hard Energy
16. Tieum & Angerfist - Smile About That
17. Angerfist - The Promqueen's Finest Drug
18. Mindtrax - Go Hard
19. Unexist - Underground Existence
20. Penta - Bassdrop
21. Destructive Tendencies Ft. Andy The Core - Drug & Alcohol Abuse
22. The Punisher - Give Me (Meccano Twins Remix)

#Pryze #Unexpect #District-D #Hardcore #Hardcore-mix

Rated by: Unexpect Robin Sluis Dootje4