Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Unexpect & District-D @ Demolition Indoor re-run


Submitted by: Unexpect @

Filetype: 320 kbit MP3
Length: 01:02:40

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#Hardcore #Demolition #HDC #Unexpect #District-D

Rated by: Unexpect Roxanneeee Robin Sluis

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1. Amnesys - Elevation
2. Tha Playah - Fuck The Titties (Tommyknocker & The Viper Remix)
3. G-Town Madness & The Viper - Live a Lie
4. Tha Playah vs Evil Activities - Imperial
5. DJ D - D-Power
6. Nitrogenetics - Down Like Gravity
7. Anime - Believe
8. Nosferatu ft. Mad Dog - Lack of Existence
9. Amnesys - Raw Generation (Original Mix)
10. Javi Boss - Distress
11. Alien T - Ghetto mentality
12. Placid K - My Music
13. Javi Boss - Bloody Hand
14. Dyprax & Predator - Blood Cycle
15. Tommyknocker - In The Shadow (Unexist Refix)
16. Dione - Highway To Hell (2013 Refix)
17. Dyprax & Norphine - Don't Fear Death
18. Reevoid - The Rush
19. Angerfist & T-Junction - Focking Wit Yo Head
20. Dione & Darkcontroller - Fucking with My Head
21. Angerfist - Stainless Steel
22. Angerfist & Radium - Assault