Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Firestarter @ Fuck Your Ears


Submitted by: gabberdd @

Length: 00:57:00


1.FireStarter - Vitas mashup
2.FireStarter - Wasmachine
3.Partyraiser & Repix - ode to the godfather
4.Para italia - Attack de moeder
5.Partyraiser & Hard effectz - Bounce like a champ
6.Streiks & Kratchs - Crosses the line
7.Tieum & Angernoizer - Alles is
8.Terrorclown - Evil cries
9.TSLN - Big booty bitches
10.Cryogenic & Partyraiser - Middle fingers up
11.F.noize & Anhatema - Get down
12.F.noize - The religion
13.Lunatic & Hyrule war - My wife
14.Orian - Human design 2.0
15.Sandy warez - GSP octagon 217
16.Deathsquad - Facebreaker
17.Cryogenic - Hate
18.Vandal!sm - Food for vandals
19.Sei2ure - Beyond human

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