Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Unleaded Maria @ Are You Jungle To Me

Early Terror   UK Hardcore   Frenchcore

Submitted by: SandStorm @
Last edited by: JeffreyFCT @

Filetype: 160 kbit MP3
Length: 01:14:59

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1. Rude Ass Tinker - Silk Ties (1)
2. Hellfish & Skeeta - Ripper (Final Edit)
3. Hellfish, The Producer & Skeeta - High Powered Mutant
4. Micropoint - Shizophrenic Park
5. ID (ID)
6. ID (ID)
7. ID (ID)
8. Laurent Ho - Tactile Corp.
9. ID (ID)
10. Double Face - Metaloid (1)
11. Ingler - Arxfile
12. Krotal - Stop It
13. ID (ID)
14. ID (ID)
15. ID (ID)
16. ID (ID)
17. ID (ID)
18. ID (ID)
19. ID (ID)
20. ID (ID)

pointlesspoint -
Coherent incoherence
1. Rude Ass Tinker - Silk Ties
10. Double Face - Metaloid
12.Krotal - Stop It
ID 56:00 forgot the name

All French tracks after the initial UK ones i think.
Edited by pointlesspoint on 01-07-2022 23:32