Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Dj Sven & MC Raw @ Fear of a Rough Planet

Early Hardcore

Submitted by: mrbobross @
Last edited by: hardcorerepublic @

Filetype: 224 kbit MP3
Length: 01:18:45

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Fear of a Rough Planet, Peppermill, Heerlen - Netherlands

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1. Technohead - I Wanna Be A Hippy (Zippy Mix)
2. Diss Reaction - Jiiieehaaaa
3. Isaac - Happy Hardcore Freak
4. Pila & Skorp - Mindcontroller
5. The Scotchman - Happy Vibes
6. Obliterator - Ruff To The Max
7. Pila & Skorp - Oohh God Damned I'm Great
8. Scotchman - Terror Breed
9. Dysector - Tempo Head
10. DJ Paul - Life Is Like A Dance (Forze DJ Team Mix)
11. Active Force - Head Like A Pac Man
12. The Prophet - Big Boys Don't Cry (Rave Mix)
13. The Darkraver - Pussy Pumpin'
14. T.N.T. - Let's Get Together (Happy Hardcore Club Mix)
15. Sonicdriver - In Your Arms Tonight
16. Ramirez - Baraonda (Plastifikate D.J. Ricci & M.C. Hair Remix)
17. Charly Lownoise & Mental Theo - Stars (Rave Mix)
18. Sonicdriver ‎- Standing On The Top
19. El Bruto ‎- Hypnotizing
20. Gizmo & Larsh - Baby I Know
21. El Bruto - Bass For Ya Face
22. The Montini Experience - Mind Expander One
23. Spectrum - Take On Me (Take Mix)
24. Genlock - Airwalk
25. ID (ID 00:49:20)
26. Dune - Hardcore Vibes
27. Baba Nation - Jesus Words
28. Ramos, Supreme & Sunset Regime - Metamorphosis (Scott Brown's Twisted Vinyl Remix)
29. Da Beatblower - Fuck Your S Off (Stunned Guys Remix)
30. Wasting Program - Jazz Sacrilege (1)
31. Technosis - Kaos (Q-Tex Remix)
32. Scott Brown vs DJ Rab S. - Now Is The Time
33. Q-Tex vs Technosis - Phobamorphic
34. Bertocucci Feranzano - XTC Love
35. Gabbers With Attitude - Moonstompin'
36. Scott Brown - Gazometer
37. Bass X - Morphine
38. El Bruto ‎- Watch Me Dance
39. Warlock - Delirious
40. El Bruto - Heaven
41. Warlock - E-Force (Hyper-Active)
42. Duo Penotti - Addicted 2 Raves (Buzz Fuzz Remix)
43. Pila & Skorp - Mindcontroller
44. DJ Norman ‎- Get Up And Dance
45. Pila & Skorp - Oohh God Damned I'm Great
46. DJ Norman - Listen For Lessons
47. Bass D & King Matthew - Allright (Hardcore Mix)

Needlemouth -
Technohead - i wanna be a hippy
Diss reaction - Jiehaaaa
Isaac - Happy Hardcore Freak
Pila & Skorp - mindcontroller
obliberator - ruff to the max
Pila & Skorp - Oohh God Damned I'm Great
Scotchman - Terror Breed
DJ Paul - Life is like a dance
prophet - big boys dont cry
Sonicdriver - In Your Arms Tonight
Ramirez - Baraonda (Plastifikate D.J. Ricci - M.C. Hair Rmx)
Charley Lownoise & mental theo - stars
Sonicdriver ‎– Standing On The Top
El Bruto ‎– Hypnotizing
Gizmo & larsch - baby I know

El bruto - Bass For Ya Face
Dune - Hardcore vibes
BaBa nation - jesus words
Beat blower - ass of

Bertocucci feranzano - XTC Love
2 old gabbers - old moon stompin'
El Bruto ‎– Watch Me Dance
Duo Penotti - addicted to rave (Buzz Fuzz remix )
Pila & Skorp - mindcontroller
DJ Norman ‎– Get Up And Dance
pointlesspoint -
Coherent incoherence
3x lol with this mix:

Almost feeling like a pedophile listening some of these happy tracks (lol)
Intro by Mc Raw is priceless!!! Considering what's been playing after his monstrous raw intro (lol).
Fast mixing at times, sometimes that fast a track can't evolve long enough (lol).

6. Pila - Mindcontroller
-> extra ID 08:25 The Scotchman - Happy Vibes (quite fast mixing here)
7. Obliterator - Ruff To The Max

14:30 famous track 'go rock a party, go rock a party' -> Q-Tex / Scottish guys?

22:00 T.N.T. - Let's Get Together (Happy Hardcore Club Mix) (wrong title on Youtube)

39:45 famous track 'overdose'

01:00:00 famous track!
01:00:33 Scott Brown versus DJ Rab S - Now Is The Time
Edited by pointlesspoint on 21-03-2022 21:03
Needlemouth -
I also noticed the start mixing in the track not at start of track but in the middle of a track.. probably of his mixin skills then...
Needlemouth -
On 21-03-2022 20:53:32, pointlesspoint wrote:

01:00:00 famous track Wasting program - jazz sacrilage

23. 00:39:34 "overdose" intro?dj change?
24. 00:41:31 Intrance – Take On Me ( not sure if the same that returns later in mix)
25. 00:44:17 ID Come fly with me
26. 00:45:45 ID Piano
27. 00:49: 19 ID Breakbeat
pointlesspoint -
Coherent incoherence
On 22-03-2022 20:42:17, Needlemouth wrote:

01:00:00 famous track Wasting program - jazz sacrilage

Yes, also an extra ID, + what i meant is the (well known) ID right after that track which come in at first around 00:59:23, and plays alone from 00:59:50 -> 01:00:30, which is Q-tex - Hardcore Science or Q-tex - Hardcore Science (Live Mix)
Edited by pointlesspoint on 22-03-2022 21:07
Psychologic -
10. Dysector - Tempo Head
27. Ramos, Supreme, Sunset Regime - Metamorphosis (Scott Brown's Twisted Vinyl Remix)
after Fuck Your S Off (Stunned Guys Remix) is Wasting Program - Jazz Scarilige and then Technosis - Kaos (Q-Tex Remix)
33. Scott Brown - Gazometer
after Gazometer is Bass X - Morphine
35. is another El Bruto / Lars W.A. Op 't Hof track, can't remember atm
after El Bruto - Heaven is Warlock - E-Force (Hyper-Active)

23-24, sounds like a Bonzai track in there somewhere, and some German Hard Trance, I've heard it before.....

Good luck cleaning this up!
moppi -
00:44:15 Genlog - Airwalk
SandStorm [Set Editor] -
It's A Dirty Job...
38 Warlock - Delirious
SandStorm [Set Editor] -
It's A Dirty Job...
what's left..

Intro with MC Raw and:

22. El Bruto - Bass For Ya Face
23. ID 00:39:35 (overdose...overdose...)
24. Spectrum - Take On Me (Take Mix)
25. Genlock - Airwalk
26. ID (ID 00:49:20)
27. Dune - Hardcore Vibes
Needlemouth -
23. The Montini Experience – Mind Expander One
SandStorm [Set Editor] -
It's A Dirty Job...
mc raw intro = 1. Technohead - I Wanna Be A Hippy (Zippy Mix)
Edited by SandStorm on 28-03-2022 20:21