Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Promo @ Defqon.1 2017 Black


Submitted by: McBong @
Last edited by: Hansolo @

Length: 01:01:00
Rated by: The_Sociopath Hypo86 McBong

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1. Promo - Hibernation
2. Promo - Lord of Undow
3. Promo - I Come Correct
4. Project Omeaga - Prednison Attack (N-Vitral Remix)
5. Promo - Past to the Present
6. Promo & DJ X-Ess - Vicious Circle
7. Dither - This Is Chaos
8. Catscan - The Fight (1)
9. DJ Mad Dog - Rewind
10. Promo - Airwalker
11. Tha Playah - Controlled by Chaos
12. Ophidian - Running On Empty
13. Promo & Ophidian - Unacceptable
14. Promo - Salvation (Part 2)
15. Promo - The New Age
16. N-Vitral - Bassface (Tha Playah Remix)
17. Promo - Crunch Time
18. Rude Awakening - Crop Circle Making Dominating Whore Abuser
19. Promo - Vergif

McBong [Set Editor] -
Added a TL, 6 is very known Promo track I thin, can't remember it atm though  :(

Very cool set btw
Frede -
On 14-09-2017 18:41:47, McBong wrote:

Added a TL, 6 is very known Promo track I thin, can't remember it atm though  :(

Very cool set btw

Promo - Vicious circle  :thumbsup:
McBong [Set Editor] -
On 27-09-2017 12:35:50, Frede wrote:

On 14-09-2017 18:41:47, McBong wrote:

Added a TL, 6 is very known Promo track I thin, can't remember it atm though  :(

Very cool set btw

Promo - Vicious circle  :thumbsup:

Indeed a very old one, thank you  :)
D4RkN3sS -
Hardcore what else!!
Track @ 21:00 please!!  :bomb:  :w00t:  :6:  :L
hardstyl3MF -
is track 8 still unknown? i'm sure i've heard it in a few other sets before.
Hansolo [Set Editor] -
On 09-12-2019 05:37:41, hardstyl3MF wrote:

is track 8 still unknown? i'm sure i've heard it in a few other sets before.

You wrote Catscan in the comments, but it's his alias Reckless
hardstyl3MF -
On 22-04-2020 23:26:28, Hansolo wrote:

On 09-12-2019 05:37:41, hardstyl3MF wrote:

is track 8 still unknown? i'm sure i've heard it in a few other sets before.

You wrote Catscan in the comments, but it's his alias Reckless

discogs, beatport and spotify have it as a Catscan solo track.
Hansolo [Set Editor] -
Oh I'm sorry. Then it's listed wrong on TTMs YouTube  :W