Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Repeller @ Our Sound 1


Submitted by: JurneSleddens @
Last edited by: JurneSleddens @

Length: 00:34:11

More info
We present you: OUR SOUND #1. ✊

A throwback to our past releases and a tease of what's coming next. Can you guess the artists of the unannounced tracks?

Rated by: JurneSleddens dhrrob90 Repeller
Favorited by: dhrrob90

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1. JACKO ft. Adroit - Bass Cannon (JACKO 2017 Remix)
2. Re-Vamp - Don't Stop
3. Aversion - Consequences
4. Re-Vamp, The Shade & Soulless ft. MC Barricade - Gone From Earth
5. ID (ID - ID)
6. Re-Shock - 5 Seconds
7. Critical Hit - Fake It
8. ID (Level One - TBA)
9. Repeller - Lost In Darkness
10. Jason Payne - Venom (The Shade Remix)
11. ID (ID - ID)
12. Level One ft. MC Raise - Prepare Yourself
13. ID (Aversion & Repeller - TBA)
14. Bwazza - Kino Der Toten
15. Re-Shock - Nightfall (JACKO Remix)
16. Qriminal - On Parole
17. Aversion - Hit The Floor
18. ID (ID - ID)