Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

HMES @ Special 14.000.000 Minutes Listened Mix 2017


Submitted by: eventslovenia @

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13.05.2017 we hit 14 million minutes listened on our Mixcloud channel. This is a Special 14.000.000 Minutes Listened Mix 2017. Just for you! Only 32 best Hardcore tracks. Close your eyes and enjoy! THANK YOU!


1. Miss K8 feat. MC Nolz - Raiders Of Rampage (Official Masters Of Hardcore 2016 Anthem)
2. AniMe - Liar
3. Koozah - Millenial
4. Guerrillas - Can´t Stop Us Now
5. Unexist - Kings Never Die
6. TommyKnocker - Fucked Up music
7. Koozah - Examination
8. D-Fence - Biem!
9. Rayden - Things Are Bad
10. Noize Suppressor - Disco Ballz
11. The Viper & Kasparov feat. Alee & Diesel - Meltdown
12. Antenora & Lele H - First Circle
13. The BeatKrusher & Rob Gee - Live Your Life
14. Catscan & Reprobate - Breaking Bones
15. N-Vader - Testify
16. Streiks & Kratchs - Don´t Fucking Touch Me
17. Dirty Bastards - Lovely Day
18. Kasparov - Part Of The Plan
19. Chrono & Rhose - Just Shoot Me (The Unfamous Remix)(Re-Mastered)
20. Legion Of The Lost - Surrender
21. Streiks & Kratchs - Right Way
22. System Overload & Cardan - Moshpit
23. Scarphase - Scarphase Bass
24. Partyraiser & Bulletproof - Kevlar
25. Goetia - Me, Myself & I
26. Hardbouncer - Funky Shit
27. Sawtooth vs. Mr. Cuda - It´s War
28. Deterrent Man & A-Kriv - Thug ´N´ Slug
29. Spitnoise & Brainteaser - 700 Watt
30. Lunatic & Miss Hysteria - Suffer And Sacrifice (SRB Remix)
31. Hellfish - Hong Kong Fight Club
32. Hellcreator - .Fckd004