Industrial Hardcore
Favorited by:
1.Android Development - Cubic Nomad
2.Sledgehammer - Tymon
3.Probotector - Moleculez
4.Bang In The Dark - Ghost in the Machine
5.Vengeance - Sei2ure
6.Chaser/Monkey With Shotgun - Krtm
7.Scorched Earth - Stormtrooper
8.Green Slimes Attack - Synaptic Memories
9.Lava Bomb - Moleculez
10.Heroes & Villains - Wavolizer
11.F%cking Zutsu - TRIPPED (Feat [KRTM])
12.They know - Broken Code
13.Future - Densha Crisis
14.Knocking Down - Distric7
15.Collateral Damage - Mantello (Kader remix)
16.Dissolvement - Mindustries
17.Brainwashin Machine - Densha Crisis
18.Walker - Cubic Nomad (Sei2ure remix)
19.What Really Matters - Lunatic & Miss Hysteria
20.I Had A Dream - Sei2ure
21.Heavy Ordnance - Mindustries