Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Mantello @ The Versus Dedication Part 89 - SA†AN Vs Tatlum

Crossbreed   Hardcore   Drum & Bass

Submitted by: Mantello @
Last edited by: Mantello @

Filetype: 320 kbit MP3
Length: 00:28:41
Rated by: Mantello

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1. The Satan - Doom
2. The Satan - Meat
3. Tatlum - Darkness
4. Tatlum - Droldzhang
5. Hungry & Vein ft. SA†AN - Grave Mistake
6. Tatlum - Answers
7. SA†AN - Nothing
8. The Satan - Can't Stop
9. Tatlum - Calling
10. Tatlum - Festering Pus
11. The Satan - Fake Spirit
12. Tatlum - Immer (VIP)
13. SA†AN - Bleed
14. Tatlum - Death Experiments
15. SA†AN - Bad Motherfucker
16. Tatlum - Number One Rule (VIP)
17. SA†AN - The End Of All Things
18. Tatlum - Survive
19. Tatlum - Stars
20. SA†AN - Rest In Pandemonium