Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Wooffer @ RaveHard

Hardtrance   Acid

Submitted by: Zieloneq @

Filetype: Lossless WAV
Length: 01:09:00

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1) Ben Townsend - Brainfreeze (JP & Jukesy remix)
2) Base Graffiti & Hard Jeli - Jumbone
3) Jay Pepper - Not Glorious
4) Hilly - Essence Of Oldschool
5) Discam & Leighton Smith - Psychosis
6) Claire Browne - Phantasy & Seduction
7) Gem Stone & Steve Hewitt - Pumped
8) Dawn Lee - Call The Police
9) Defective Audio, Ben Miles & Ben Townsend - Born Capable
10) Ben Tonsend & Gaz Gibson - The Fix
11) Pierce Rooney - Equinox
12) MDA & Spherical vs Chrysus - Phantasm
13) Mike Taylor & Wayne Smart - Big Bang