Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Thumpa @ Stardust

Drum & Bass

Submitted by: alexvdh @

Filetype: M4A
Length: 01:00:00

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"Here's my classic D&B set from Stardust in Birmingham last month, loads of my favourites from growing up, 100% vinyl set!"

(Classic 1996 - 1998 D&B)

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1. Gang Related - Dictation
2. Mask - Splurt
3. Swoosh - Ya Rockin
4. Roni Size - It's Jazzy
5. DJ Hype - Peace Love & Unity
6. Mask & Swabe - Cash Till
7. Tekniq - The Riot
8. Mental Power - Gold B side
9. DJ Kane - Waiting
10. Scorpio - Li Li
11. Yazz - Abandon Me (Urban Shakedown Mix)
12. Tribe Of Issachar - His Imperial Majesty
13. Renegade - Dark Soldier
14. Souljah - Fade 2 Black
15. Scorpio - Trouble
16. Ultra Obscene - Our Disease Tera
17. Undercover Agent - Five Tones
18. Tekniq - One Style
19. Infinite - Beachball
20. Ed Rush, Optical & Fierce - Cutslo