Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Sloperij Janssen @ Frenchkickz radio

Frenchcore   Terror   Speedcore

Submitted by: Maximumraver @
Last edited by: Maximumraver @

Filetype: VBR MP3
Length: 00:55:12
Rated by: alexvdh

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1. The Speed Freak - Requiem 4 Humantiy
2. Zyklon - Eclipse
3. Ketanoise - Zombie Moshpit
4. Cemtex - The High Ratio
5. The Sickest Squad - How Big Is The Sky?
6. Progamers - Power You Up
7. Lysa & Italian Terrorist - Terrorism
8. Detest - Brassy
9. Hyrule War - Purifier
10. DJ Mutante - Bad Mother Fucker
11. Nielos - Revolution
12. Dam - Riot (David Keta Remix)
13. Maynor - Frenchkorn
14. X-Mind & Andy The Core - French Press
15. Frazzbass vs The Sickest Squad - Street Fighter
16. D.O.M. - Crack In Brain
17. Ketanoise - Urlo Libero
18. The Speed Freak - Freak On A Mission
19. The Speed Freak - Daft Blunt
20. The Speed Freak - Puppetmaster (Absurd Audio Version)
21. Liquid Blasted - Wicked Games
22. Cablecore & Alarma Ravers - The Extremist
23. Uktm & Dataklysm - Right, Left, Ruthless
24. Ecchi-Chan - DanceCore Slumber Party Fight
25. Noisekick - Mixing The Whisky
26. D.O.M. - Kaos In The Box
27. Groan-er - Co Zabijesz Nale-y Do Ciebie
28. Sorgenkind & Tschern-O-Phil - Es Rappelt Im Karton
29. Kurwastyle Project ft. Passenger Of Shit - Fucking Soft Cunts
30. Suicide Rage - Sicking Bitch
31. Dissoactive - On The Run
32. Noisekick & Komprex - Kidnapped Holdup
33. Deterrent Man - Kikk Art
34. Catkiller - Fuck Off !!!
35. D-Ranged - Life Is Short, Play Hard!