Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

F. Noize @ Hard Island Log 011


Submitted by: JeffreyFCT @

Length: 00:30:04

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Out in the open a peculiar noise is brought to our attention, it’s calling us like a siren’s voice. We end up on a small island and we eventually enter a hidden cove where we run into one of the most notorious pirate lords who goes by the name “The Skull”. He welcomes us with open arms to a massive feast where we eat and drink till sunrise …

Join the feast and cherish the sound made by notorious F. NøIzE in Hard Island Log 011.

Rated by: JeffreyFCT tchnpgn The_Sociopath bassStrike Sarge andreacorviHC gero DanFons

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1. Hardbouncer - Thunderground Refix
2. DJ JDA - Voel Je Die Bass (N-Vitral Quick Edit)
3. Typherix - Viaduct
4. UKR Resistance - D.F.W.M.
5. Insane S & Blaster - Back Flip
6. Scarphase - Scarphase Bass
7. F. Noize ft. Rob Gee & The Motordogs - The Wall
8. Partyraiser & F. Noize - We Pep You Up
9. DRS - Tonights Entertainment
10. DJ Skinhead - Extreme Terror (The Sickest Squad Remix)
11. Vandal!sm - Chubby Wacker (Brainteaser Remix)
12. Mad Dog vs Tieum - Harder Attack (Chaotic Hostility Mashup)
13. Kurwastyle Project - Snow In Summer