Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

D-Attack @ Loudness 03-2017 Promo Mix


Submitted by: JurneSleddens @

Length: 00:52:00
Rated by: dhrrob90
Favorited by: dhrrob90

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1. ZHU - Faded (D-Attack Bootleg)
2. D-Attack - Lost
3. Endymion & MYST - See You Again
4. D-Attack - TBA
5. Phuture Noize - The Temple
6. D-Attack - Fly Away
7. Stunned Guyz & Paul Elstak - Thrillseeka (Wild Motherfuckers Remix)
8. D-Attack - Night Must Fall
9. Sub Sonik - Take What's Mine
10. Sub Sonik - To Hell (D-Attack Remix)
11. Adaro - Raggamuffin (MYST Remix)
12. D-Attack - Evolved
13. Degos & Re-Done - Die Slowly
14. Unknow Analoq - Blackout - (B-Front Remix)
15. Public Enemies - You're All Going To Die
16. RVAGE - About To End This
17. D-Attack - Redness Madness