Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

The Clamps @ Enter The Grid Promomix 1

Drum & Bass

Submitted by: Hansolo @

Length: 01:02:26

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1. The Clamps - Utilitarianism
2. Icicle ft. Metropolis - The Edge
3. Impak - Spiral
4. Kenei - Reflect
5. Opsen & Primal Therapy - Neocyema (Elteck Remix)
6. Mastif - Terraforming Machines (Inward Phase Remix)
7. Mefjus - Saturate
8. Mind Vortex - Underworld
9. ID (The Clamps - ID)
10. State of Mind & Black Sun Empire - Unconscious (Segment & Concept Vision Remix)
11. Morebeat - Butterfly In Hell
12. Proktah - Labyrinth (Phace Remix)
13. State Of Mind - Where You At (Telekinesis Remix)
14. The Clamps - Strange Days (Impak Remix)
15. Redject & The Clamps - Existence
16. ID (Opsen & Primal Therapy - ID)
17. Optiv - Krakpot (Billain Remix)
18. ID (Opsen & Primal Therapy - ID)
19. Pythius - Vermin
20. ID (The Clamps - ID)
21. Miss Redflower - Here To Fly (Misha Remix)
22. Agressor Bunx - Hunter
23. Maztek - Tokiwa
24. Soligen & Type-2 - Biology
25. Redject & The Clamps - No Sense
26. Agressor Bunx - Parasite
27. Break, Mako, Fields & Villem - Shadowlines
28. Khronos - Sound Burglar
29. Phace - Cold Champagne
30. Sustance - Exposed
31. Bohemian & Senzzor - Potion
32. Mindscape - Swampster (Nymfo Remix)
33. Formal One - Alpha
34. ID (The Clamps - ID)
35. The Clamps ft. Hostile MC - Massive
36. Morebeat - Existence