Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Disphoria @ Liberty - Sans Souci DJ Contest


Submitted by: DisphoriaDJ @
Last edited by: DisphoriaDJ @

Length: 00:30:30

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Rated by: DisphoriaDJ

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1. Zany & DV8 - Vision
2. Davide Sonar - Spiritual Fire
3. Killer Clown - Tormented
4. Retrospect - Bash
5. Low-E & Alter Egosz - Vendetta (Edit)
6. Project One - Life Beyond Earth (edit)
7. Cyber - GOD (Disphoria Mash-up)
8. Josh & Wesz - Believe
9. Wildstylez - Delay Distortion (edit)
10. Festuca - Floating
11. Zatox & Activator - Oxygen