Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Noisia @ Noisia Radio S02E49

Drum & Bass

Submitted by: DJTheJoker @
Last edited by: MichaelDeBoey @

Length: 01:00:00

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Noisia Radio this week; brand new music from the Binary: Codes album, more 2020 music and your weekly dose of beats and bass.

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1. Subtension - Run For Rum
2. Ivy Lab - Socket
3. Nami - Vicious Cycle
4. Proxima - Closely
5. Simula & Dutta - Inevitable
6. YAYAYA - Heavyweight
7. Andy pain - Emptiness
8. Balatron - Onima
9. Cod3x - Ghouls
10. Hybris - Don't Touch My Face
11. Annix - Contraband
12. Ak Hash - Shady
13. Rizzle - Paradise
14. Phazz - Caution
15. Former - Sympathy Mutant
16. Shyun - Kinesis
17. Signs - Clap Yah
18. Data 3 - Conker DUB
19. Signal, Heamy & Allied - Omega Point VIP
20. Voyage - GEO600
21. Noisia - Strange Owl Experiment
22. KaTT - Ira