Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

D-LeKt @ Toxic Sickness Radio

Hardcore   Terror

Submitted by: DTCORE023 @
Last edited by: DTCORE023 @

Length: 01:03:33

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Rated by: DTCORE023

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1. Streiks & Kratchs - Pokémon GO Fuck Yourself
2. Wars Industry & Tripped - Au Revoir
3. Sequencer - Bonje Met De Buren
4. The Vizitor & Aggressive - Hardcore Op Je Muil
5. Sandy Warez - Push the Tempo
6. Riot Girls - Ready to Riot
7. The Vizitor - In Your Fucking Face
8. The Vinylraider - Here Me Fart (1)
9. Goetia - Underground Stream Yo!
10. Doctor Terror - Don't Make Me Destroy You
11. Frankentek - Buckle Up
12. MD&A - Braindead (DGTP Remix)
13. Tripped & Deterrent Man - Like A Boss
14. Noisekick - Blow His Head Off
15. DJ Hydroxide - It's Peanut Butter Jelly Time!!
16. Dgtp - Kill The Indian
17. Tripped - R Vangheluwe
18. DJ Smurf - Girls
19. SRB - Rotten
20. The Reaper vs UKTM - Scumbags!
21. The Reaper - Skull Fuck The Bitch!
22. Noisekick - Mixing The Whiskey
23. The Vizitor - Geluidsoverlast
24. Dissoactive - Gehoorbescherming (Drug Fuckers Remix)
25. DGTP - Heel Lekkeuh
26. Noisekick - Reaching For The Sky

8. The Vinylraider - Here Me Fart