Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Seroidz @ Radical Redemption – Militant Mayhem | DJ contest


Submitted by: Sebbonl87 @

Filetype: 320 kbit MP3
Length: 00:29:15

More info
This mix will blast your ears! It contains some of the baddest Raw tracks around. Also check out the preview of our new track.

we hope to see you the 5th of november at Radical Redemption's Militant Mayhem!

1. Radical Redemption - Accumulated Filth
2. Digital Punk - Burn (B-Front Remix)
3. Enemy Contact - Guess Whos Back
4. Seroidz - TBA
5. Nightfall - Deadliest Sound
6. E-Force & Luna - Kill the Noise
7. Dark Intentions - This Is A Bassdrum
8. Requiem - Rebellion (Apexx' Call 911 Remix)
9. Caine - Let's Get Pillz
10. Apexx - Black Death
11. Requiem - Mad MF
12. Radical Redemption - Judge Me (Minus Militia Remix)

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Rated by: Sebbonl87 TridentNL

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1. Radical Redemption - Accumulated Filth
2. Digital Punk - Burn (B-Front Remix)
3. Enemy Contact - Guess Whos Back
4. Seroidz - TBA
5. Nightfall - Deadliest Sound
6. E-Force & Luna - Kill The Noise
7. Dark Intentions - This Is A Bassdrum
8. Requiem - Rebellion (Apexx' Call 911 Remix)
9. Caine - Let's Get Pillz
10. Apexx - Black Death
11. Requiem - MAD MF
12. Radical Redemption - Judge Me (Minus Militia Remix)