Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Redox @ Hardcore Memories Mixtape 2 (Revolution ft. Partyraiser Promomix)


Submitted by: Daniarcore @
Last edited by: Hansolo @

Filetype: 320 kbit MP3
Length: 00:26:03

View as plain text


1. Nosferatu & DJ Mad Dog - Lack Of Existence
2. Nitrogenetics - Inside Your Head
3. Endymion & Art of Fighters - God Is A Gangster
4. Endymion - Make Some Noise (Furyan remix)
5. Nosferatu - The Wild Side
6. Nexes - Playing The Cards
7. Amnesys - Worldwide Crisis
8. Amnesys - Elevation
9. Nosferatu & Evil Activities - Sick of It All
10. Tha Playah - The Impact