Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Necrosis @ Output: The Raw Society

Hardstyle   Hardcore

Submitted by: NecrosisHardstyle @

Filetype: 320 kbit MP3
Length: 01:01:30
Rated by: PicoOfficial

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1. Necrosis - Gone
2. Digital Mindz & Riiho - Destroy
3. Main Concern - Thug Cookies
4. MYST - The Wolves Descend
5. Warface & Regain - Wakin' Up
6. Delete - Ghetto
7. Regain - I Am God
8. Bass Chaserz ft. MC I See / I See - Gold Diggah
9. Luminite - Destruction (Rooler Remix)
10. Warface & Frequencerz - Menace (D-Sturb Remix)
11. Regain - Insane
12. Requiem - Psychotic Tendencies
13. Necrosis - The Raw Society (Output Tool)
14. Delete - Funk
15. Ncrypta - Exorzism
16. Unresolved & Malice - Disrespect
17. Unresolved & Jason Payne - Nuclear (Rebelion Remix)
18. N-Vitral - Crispy Bassdrum
19. Angerfist & Radical Redemption - Repercussion
20. D-Fence - Pompen
21. Radical Redemption & Destructive Tendencies - Bring Us Some
22. SystemOverload - Geef Maar Gas
23. André Hazes - Hoogste Tijd