Rated by:
MarcelMikoleit freakish DJAnonymous Hardfrequencer
1.Sjammienators & System Overload / Rumble
2.Tieum & Angerfist/ sock it
3.Destructive Tendencies/ Do You Bleed
4.Mad Dog & Tieum/ Priests
5.DJIPE/ architekt of dom
6.System Overload & Psycho Killer / think I can Fly
7.Unproven/ Take the fucking shot
8.Pyrut/ EinsZwei Polizei
9.Mr.Ivex/ Paper Croissantz
10.Vandalism/ Partyraiser harder Dan De rest Tribute
11.GRIGIO/ Gang of Noise
12.Scorpion Hoplite/ disgusting little synth
13.Cryogenic/ underground madness
14.sei2ure/ come and play
15.Partyraiser/ Appetizer
16.The Demon Dwarf & Sjammienators/ bass hit
17.Hoeppi/ You depend on our protection
18.Dj Paul Elstak & Radiate/ Lill Pillz