Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

FrankenTek @ Toxic Sickness Radio


Submitted by: JeffreyFCT @

Length: 00:29:57
Rated by: Sickplaya yean0 JurneSleddens Hansolo

View as plain text


1. DRS & NSD - Ripped Off
2. FrankenTek vs Hellzkicks vs Natural Born Killerz - New Blood (This Is Uptempo Official Anthem)
3. Doctor Terror & UKTM - Clack Clack
4. FrankenTek - Bounche MotherFuckerzz
5. FrankenTek - De After
6. FrankenTek - Extreme Terror
7. FrankenTek - I Don't Like Terror
8. DJ Smurf - Girls
9. Dissoactive vs FrankenTek - On The Run
10. Dissoactive - Fuck Face
11. Frankentek - Take To My Crap
12. Lord Of Speed - Ketapret (Dissoactive Remix)
13. Dissoactive - Gehoorbescherming