Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Tektron @ Freestyle Madness belgium

Jump   Hardstyle   Hardcore

Submitted by: ledemonist @

Filetype: 192 kbit MP3
Length: 01:17:54
Rated by: MrOverdoZe

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1. Major Bryce - Cathedrales
2. DJ amazone - pogo
3. Junior Waxx - Lollycock
4. davoodi - crunkstyle
5. Royal S - South Parking
6. Teka B - Eat Pussy
7. qatja s & DJ pablo - drop that booty
8. Mark with a K - Oasis
9. Nowaxx - Slaves To The Rave
10. Dr Phunk - Outside world
11. chris brown - beautyfull people (dr phunk Remix)
12. freestyle maniacs - lets slow down harris
13. galantis - runaway (genius bootleg)
14. freestyle maniacs - annie will come back
15. clokx - catch your fall
16. lykke li - i follow rivers
17. frontliner & ruthless - two worlds
18. ID (darkraver - ID)
19. ruthless - gaan met die banaan
20. Da Tweekaz - No Ducks No Glory
21. boba phat - raw vader
22. Gunz For Hire - Bolivia
23. de staat - witch doctor (DJ paul Remix)
24. DJ paul - still love you more (the viper Remix)
25. dirtcaps & jebroer - miljoenen (DJ paul Remix)
26. the partysquad - oh my (DJ paul Remix)
27. Yellow Claw - Nooit Meer Slapen (Neophyte & MC Alee Remix)
28. vandal!sm - partyraiser harder than the rest tribute