Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Wars Industry @ Theory Of Core Podcast 57

Rated by: Theory_Of_Core The_Sociopath Sickplaya JeffreyFCT Knomo Haltlose alexey.kasper97 Dam1en djul DopeyMHL Romolus mudkipz Ressurection markwasted DJTheJoker Timvdlinde

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1. Wars Industry & System Overload - Bonjour
2. Tharoza - Break It Down MF (Lunakorpz Remix)
3. Azilyum - Fucking Zombies (1)
4. Convict & Rawmachine - Redneck (1)
5. ID (Wars Industry - ID (Bass Junky))
6. Hardbouncer - Party Starter
7. Wars Industry vs Chaotic Hostility ft. MC Reign - On The Line
8. Stampede - Loud & Nasty
9. Wars Industry & Tripped - Au Revoir (1)
10. Wars Industry vs Para Italia - Mingus Cunilingus
11. Repix & Unleashed Fury - Drop Bombs (1)
12. Sjammienators - Pull Up To Mi Bumpha
13. Wars Industry vs Cryogenic - Fucking Dick (2)
14. System Overload - Crazy As F#ck
15. System Overload vs Vandal!sm - Bad Guys
16. A-Kriv & Overtrip ft. MC Matt - Die Motherfucker Die (X-Mind Remix)
17. OGM909 & A-Kriv - Sound From The Drum
18. Vandal!sm - Chubby Wacker
19. Vandal!sm - Retribution
20. Vandal!sm - Rip It Hard

JeffreyFCT [Set Editor] -
Tracklist added.
mudkipz -
ik ben een hondje, miauw
10. ID (Wars Industry - ID) weet iemand al hoe deze gaat heten?