Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Dj Anas @ Hardcore Mix #1

Early Hardcore

Submitted by: SandStorm @
Last edited by: SandStorm @

Length: 01:09:28
Rated by: Hansolo

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1. Sons Of Ilsa - Pulsingers Nacht (I'm A Raver Baby)
2. Bald Terror - Drummachine (Neophyte Remix)
3. Marshall Masters - Don't Touch That Stereo
4. Bertocucci Feranzano - XTC Love
5. Rave Creator & The Mover - Atmos-Fear
6. E-Rush - Fuck You Man (Army Of Darkness Remix)
7. The Masochist - Killing Scum
8. DJ Niel - The Sound From The Deep (1)
9. Neophyte - None Of Ya Left
10. Rotterdam Terror Corps ft. MC Kansloos - Bas Plezant
11. DJ Promo - Dancefloor Hardcore
12. Diss Reaction - Jiiieehaaaa
13. Shadowlands Terrorists - More Bazz
14. Eternal Terror - Bumb That Bass
15. Destructie, Hoofdklapper & MC Rauwkost - Gabberen
16. Chosen Few - Name Of The DJ
17. Negative Burn - Gates Of Hell !?
18. T.urbulence - 6 Million Ways To Die
19. Shadowlands Terrorists vs De Lampegatters - Eindhoven De Gekste (Stratums - Eind Mix)
20. Buzz Fuzz - Intergalactic
21. The Destroyer - You Fuckin' Motherfucker
22. Micropoint - Ping Machine
23. The Leathernecks - At War (Remix)
24. DJ Jappo vs. DJ Lancinhouse - Trash Fucker

Hansolo [Set Editor] -
#22: There is no more track after The Destroyer - You Fuckin' Motherfucker (minute 59)  :thumbsup: