Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Luca S @ The Ultimate Uptempo Hardcore Mix


Submitted by: luca-s @
Last edited by: luca-s @

Filetype: MP3
Length: 00:57:18

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My set Uptempo Hardcore for my supporters and all those who wish. I hope I have done something. Excuse me for a couple of mistakes during mixing

Rated by: luca-s Drugzz Dam1en
Favorited by: luca-s

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1. Dirty Bastards ft. Destructive Tendencies - XTC
2. Dirty Bastards - Tarantella
3. Dirty Bastards - Minkia
4. The Unfamous & Drokz - Bring Some Beer (The Unfamous Version)
5. Dickortz - Die
6. Andy The Core - Rabbia (Dedicated)
7. Darkcontroller - Apocalyptic Darkness (Putu Remix)
8. Tharoza - Break It Down MF (Lunakorpz Remix)
9. Tharoza & Cryogenic - Fuck Up Everything
10. Tharoza - Mad As Hell
11. Tharoza - Chicken Stuffing
12. Kaizercore - Humped Her Brains Out
13. Kurwastyle Project ft. TerrorClown - Do You Wanna Balloon? (Darkcontroller Remix)
14. Rob Da Rhythm & Joey Riot - The Sickening
15. Rob Da Rhythm - Flatline
16. System Overload Vs. Dark Matters - 9 MM