Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Manu Le Malin @ L'Attaque Du KraKen De Pâques

Industrial Hardcore

Submitted by: PatrickG88 @
Last edited by: hardcorerepublic @

Length: 01:35:32

More info
Live Dj-Set @ KraKen Krew Free Party (in the woods near of Paris).

"it's been a while since i put a set on line here it is,recorded @kraken free party on the 26/03/16,somewhere in the wood&mud...."

Rated by: ijskonijn Darksound Hansolo Unicorns MattiX stefan__EHV WII_HnR The_Sociopath son92 EviLiv Meggido Xerxes Knomo hardcorerepublic DelugeOfSound Krazych Samanthaslot DJTheJoker
Favorited by: Samanthaslot

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1. ID (ID - ID)
2. Detest - The Big Exit (1)
3. ID (ID - ID)
4. The Outside Agency - DMT
5. The Outside Agency - The Wandering Mind (Mindustries Remix)
6. The Outside Agency - Incurable
7. Densha Crisis - Noir Core (Fracture 4 Eyes Closed Remix)
8. Ybrid - Naevus
9. Tymon - Fade to Black
10. Matt Green - Thursday Nite Youth (Part 1) (1)
11. Tymon - Instakill
12. The Outside Agency - The Killing Feels
13. N-Vitral ft. Tymon - Hardcore Warfare
14. Fracture 4 - You
15. Somniac One - Perpetual Motion
16. Mindustries - Headrush
17. Somniac One - Mechanics
18. Sei2ure - Destroy
19. Somniac One - Limited Minds
20. Sei2ure - War
21. Rude Awakening - Among The Damned
22. Treachery - Enemy Of God (J-Roon & Kosmix Remix)

MattiX -
01. ID - ID [00:00] [Lyrics: World Of Warcraft]
02. ID - ID [06:15]
03. ID - ID [10:20]
04. The Outside Agency - DMT (Original Mix) [Genosha Recordings - GEN 022]
05. The Outside Agency - The Wandering Mind (Mindustries Remix) [Genosha Recordings - GEN 023]
06. The Outside Agency - Incurable (Original Mix) [Genosha Recordings - GEN 022]
07. Densha Crisis - Noir Core (Fracture 4 Eyes Closed Remix) [The Third Movement - T3RDM 0230]
08. Ybrid - Naevus (Original Mix) [Ark-Aïk – ARK 08]
09. Tymon - Fade To Black (Original Mix) [Industrial Strength Records - ISRDIGI 100]
10. ID - ID [40:00]
11. Tymon - Instakill (Original Mix) [Industrial Strength Records - ISRDIGI 100]
12. The Outside Agency - The Killing Feels (Original Mix) [Genosha Recordings - GEN 022]
13. N-Vitral Feat. Tymon - Hardcore Warfare (Original Mix) [The Third Movement - T3RDM 0240]
14. Fracture 4 - You (Original Mix) [PRSPCT XTRM - PRSPCTXTRM 019]
15. ID - ID [59:00]
16. ID - ID [63:30]
17. Sei2ure - Destroy (Original Mix) [PRSPCT XTRM - PRSPCTXTRM 008]
18. ID - ID [77:00]
19. Sei2ure - War (Original Mix) [PRSPCT XTRM - PRSPCTXTRM 008]
20. ID - ID [85:10]
21. Treachery - Enemy Of God (J-Roon & Kosmix Remix) [Industrial Strength Records - ISRDIGI 088]

11. Tymon - Instakill (Original Mix) [Industrial Strength Records - ISRDIGI 100]  :worship:
Edited by MattiX on 06-04-2016 09:57
2: Detest - The Big Exit massively downpitched
Darksound -
Industrial-Darkcore this livemix.
Edwin___ -
16. Mindustries - Headrush
ijskonijn -
10. Matt Green - Thursday Nite Youth (Part 1)
Krazych -
15. Somniac One - Perpetual Motion (Meta4 Recordings)
After Mindustries - Headrush there's Somniac One - Mechanics, then Destroy. After that again Somniac One - Limited Minds (I recommend you that meta4 ep).
After War there is r_AW - Among The Damned.